What is Investors exchange

Tschuebi (Raffael Hueberli)
Investors exchange
Published in
1 min readJul 18, 2020


What we’re about and who we are

Investors exchange is the publication for everything around finance on medium. Whether you are looking for a general overview in investing or in-depth analyses on specific stocks, you’ll find it here.

Founded by two Swiss students, Investors exchange is the product of our shared passion for finance and economics.

There already are a lot of financial journals and analysts writing about nearly every topic in the finance world. However, here at the Investors exchange, we are trying to give you a fresh, innovative look at investing and finance.

Getting into shares and investing is complicated and often daunting. Here at Investors exchange, we provide accessible information and guides to get into the world of finance.

For those who already entered the realm of the stock markets, we provide deep dives into specific titles as well as our assessment of the current economic situation.

Investing is something where one continuously learns and never knows everything. At Investors exchange our writers and we share our experiences and knowledge in finance with the world.

If you would like to talk to us, don’t be afraid to reach out via e-mail (investorsexchangemedium@gmail.com) or twitter.



Tschuebi (Raffael Hueberli)
Investors exchange

A swiss enthusiast for tech, sports, writing and more. Either you find me throwing a football, skiing down a mountain or sitting in front of my computer.